Buddha Bowl
2 cups cooked brown rice ½ head lightly steamed broccoli (still crunchy) 1 cup cooked chickpeas ½ cup purple onion, diced 1 grated carrot 1 clove garlic, minced ½ cup pitted kalamata olives ¼ cup ground flaxseeds ¼ cup hemp seeds Sea salt to taste (go easy the olives are salty) 1-2 tablespoons olive oil Splash of Bragg’s Amino Acids, optional Dash of cayenne 1 avocado, cubed Cook the brown rice according to package directions. Place the broccoli, chickpeas, onion, carrot, garlic and olives in a large bowl. Toss them with the rice while it is still hot to warm them a bit. Add the flax and hemp seeds and toss again. Season and dress to taste. Serve with chucks of avocado. Notes: Any combination of slightly steamed, sautéed or finely chopped raw vegetables will work with this dish. You can also use other grains such as millet or quinoa. The avocado on the top adds a nice creaminess and healthy fat. Recipe adapted from Crazy, Sexy Diet by Kris Carr: www.crazysexydiet.com Comments are closed.
Dr. Julia Wray
Doctor of Chiropractic Rebecca Haines
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